Sunday, November 15, 2009

Video Game Consoles

What do Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Nintendo Wii  all have in common?  They are video game systems whose physical designs are very important for consumers.  The gaming society buys consoles based upon a number of different factors, one of which is the size of the console.  When game systems are made, the designers take into account the fact that even though they have a ton of hardware to work with; they need to get it into the smallest, sleekest form possible.  They know that the consumers do not want to buy a huge product that is cumbersome, in the way, and a pain in the neck to move around.  It is so important, in fact, that the designers will make newer versions of older consoles that are smaller and may also hold more data and such.  For example, Playstation 3 has just come out with 2 new versions of the original PS3 system, one that has the biggest hard drive yet, but it is also the sleekest and smallest of the PS3 models.  These designs are very important to the gaming society because when a consumer comes down to deciding between systems with similar games, like Xbox and Playstation, they may base part of their decision on which one looks better, or which one is smaller and easier to take with you back and forth between you and your friend's house. 

(image thanks to: )

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