Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Objectified" Film

Henry Ford once was quoted in saying that, "Every object tells a story if you know how to read it."  The film "Objectified" reveals many honest truths about how objects are designed for society.  One type of society that they are designed for is industrial; whose main goal is mass production.  In this type of processing, however, the content of the objects becomes less unique since so many are being produced with the same shape and form so quickly and less precariously.  The film also discusses how the goal of design is for it to create a better experience for someone; so, basically, how to improve the content of products.  One way in which designers do this is through CAB (Computer Aided Design), which is where the ergonomic details of products are perfected.  The film also says that it's important for designers to have a sense of what is and what is not important when they are designing the content of a product for society.  These designers believe that design is the search for form, what form should an object take? They need to think about what happens after a product is designed and how people will use it.  They need to know these things because they don't want to make useless objects that only end up in landfills. 

(image courtesy of: )

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