Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cover Art

Have you ever noticed a book solely based upon its cover art?  You had no idea what the context of the book was, who the author was, or even what the title of the book.  Your eyes were just captivated or your interest peaked by what was on the cover of the book.  Designers use many different types of styles in which to capture society's attention when it comes to cover art.  Some book covers are loud through their sparkles and flashiness while others are just strange and may just have a picture of an object on them.  For example, the Twilight series have covers with objects on them like, hand holding an apple, a chess piece, and more. Other books like the Alex Rider series are flashy and just draw in your eyes right away.  Designers help authors choose many different ways in which to represent their books.  That cover art is important because it must draw in readers while also showing off some piece of the context of the book.  It gives society hope that what they are about to indulge themselves in will be worth their time and to their enjoyment.  Designers use these cover arts to capture society's attention through either intrigue, fascination, or other reasons. 

(images thanks to: )

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