Monday, October 19, 2009


I was brainstorming about speakers today, mainly the ones that are for home entertainment systems or to attatch to something, not stereo speakers or the like.  Their designs are so unique.  They don't always try to be small scale.  In proportion to their environment, they can either overcome it and become the main focal point of the room or they can be unseen and blend in with room.  Speakers carry a unique three-dimensional aspect to them.  They are designed to fit into places like corners, or to be mounted on walls, or just sit on top of something.  It depends upon what service they are to perform.  For home theater entertainment, usually they are minute so that they can be discretely placed around the room while giving a theatrical sound experience.  At concerts or shows, however, they are so large that they cover enormous amounts of space on a stage.  Speakers are designed to be sleek and unnoticeable or be huge and just be there to be really loud and obnoxious.  Usually they are black, though, so that they do not take away from wherever they are placed, even at concerts.  The musicans don't want the audience to stare at the huge bright pink speakers the whole time instead of them.  They completely serve their purpose in society.

(image thanks to: )

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Haircolors in Society

I was looking at different hairstyles today, namely ones with colorings that were unnatural (i.e. hot pink, blue, green, etc.). I myself have a strand of pink colored into my hair. I was wondering why people do this. How do they choose what color and where to put it? Also, what does it mean to them? Personally I got my streak of pink because I wanted to show a little bit of edginess in my style, and I only got a little bit so that it wouldn't be overwhelming. Some different styles that I have seen though are to get streaks randomly throughout your hair, color just the bottom half of your hair, or even dye all your hair. The only types of people I have generally seen do any sort of coloring like this are punk-rock type people, gothic people, and it is also big with oriental people who are more fashionable. I've noticed that the gothic kids and oriental people generally do some of the hair a certain color, while the punk kids are most likely to color their whole head. These different colors are ways for people in society to design something for themselves. They choose the color and the places that it goes. They create their own unique design to show off to everyone else. 

( Haley Williams of Paramore picture above thanks to: