Friday, October 16, 2009


Music is huge in society, so how one listens to it is also important.  This made me think about the way that headphones are designed.   There are so many different ones designed in so many different styles.  First off, there are ones that cover your whole ear and ones that go in your ear.  The ones that cover your ear are much more cumbersome in their design but since they easily seen, they have been made to be fashionable and more aesthetic.  For example, Skull Candy headphones are big sellers for these types of headphones.  For headphones that go into your ear, there are two main varieties.  There are the regular kind that usually fit pretty well and the noise-canceling kind that have a type of plug or rubber suction on the end of them.  These are designed to be a lot sleeker and usually to blend into the wearer so that no one really sees that they have headphones in.  They are all very good in their own ways but in order for the in-ear ones to be better for society, I believe that there needs to be a way so that the cord is shorter or less likely to twist and create such a mess.  Either way though, since music is such a large part of society, the way that it is designed for people listen to is very important.

 (skullcandy picture thanks to: )

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