Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The "Self-Design"

Today I was thinking about how I love the color pink, specifically magenta. I love to accessorize with it whenever I can. I was thinking about how this color influenced my everyday life. After I thought about it, I realized that most of what I wear or use as an accessory has something to do with the color pink. While looking around my room, I even noticed that I only bought certain items due to the fact that they were pink. My style of outfits usually revolves around pink, too. I believe I do this, along with many other individuals, because I am trying to portray my own personal style, or what I like to call my "self-design." I myself prefer the more punk-styled look, so that is the style and colors that I choose to design myself with. Other people's "self-designs" are also shown by what colors they mainly wear. Just by looking at their clothing and accessories, you could probably determine their favorite color and maybe even see what style they like to design for themselves. I love seeing people's own personal styles. I find it to be a nice trait when someone knows which colors work for them, and which ones don't so that they don't stylize themselves with outfits that are well let's just say not for them. Sometimes I just want to go up to those people and style them myself or at least tell them to never wear that again. Unfortunately, that would be considered rude by society even though I am merely being honest. Oh well, I guess I will go and create another "self-designed" outfit for this afternoon!

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