Thursday, October 8, 2009

Artistic Exhibits...Everywhere

I went to my local design museum, and as I was browsing, a particular piece stood out to me.  The piece was of all these sharply cut black shapes made into a 3-D format.  What was intriguing, though, was that some of the shapes overlapped each other, while at the same time, jutting out at different lengths to create the 3-D appearance.  As I stood there, all I could think about was, "What would make someone think to create something like this?"  I had no idea.  I myself would never think to design a project like this.  The way it was designed was fantastic and amazingly unique.   One just feels the need to stop and observe this piece of artistic creativity.  It just shows how differently people's artistic minds operate, and all the different things that one can imagine.   Society is comprised of all sorts of different ideas from people's artistic imaginations.  It is just so amazing to me to think about how  we  are in a world full of creativity and uniqueness.  Everywhere a person goes, they are observing someone's unique creations or artwork.  From buildings, to courtyards, to athletic stadiums and such,  these are all people's creations.  Now that's  pretty cool.

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