Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was thinking about statues today.  They are everywhere in every town, and most of the time they are there as a dedication or representation of something.  Their purpose to society is that they are little reminders of how great someone once was or an important event that took place at that location.  Sometimes, though, in my opinion, they are just pointless pieces of art.  For example, I went to this Target one time and on your way into the shopping center was a statue of a rust-colored cowboy wrangling a giant silver horse.  Now, on one hand, it was intriguing to look at; but on the other hand, it was just way too big and I had no idea what it had to do with Target.  To me, it was a pointless piece of art.  Personally, if I were to erect a statue in front of a Target I would have it mean something like a memorial to a person who helped build it or donated to it or something.  I just don't like random things where they don't belong.  They just don't make sense.  Economically speaking, it is a waste of money, too.  Statues should be designed to have meaning and placed in place of significance in society where they won't cause confusion or stipulation.

image thanks to:

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